Lemony iced rooibos

I hope that everyone is having a good week. It is hot, hot, hot in Utah this week. My survival strategy includes running as early as possible, and then hiding from the sun all day while drinking cold beverages.

This iced tea is one of my favorites. The recipe is inspired by the homemade lemonade at one of my favorite cafes in Windhoek, Namibia. The lemonade is mixed with rooibos tea, has just a hint of fizz, and is incredibly refreshing.

My recipe tastes more like rooibos than lemonade, but it is just as refreshing. I like to make a huge pitcher of rooibos and store it in the refrigerator for hot afternoons.

 You can dress this up with fresh herbs if you like. I’ve tried both basil and mint, and would recommend either. You should muddle the herbs with a little bit of sugar to better incorporate the flavor.


8 bags of rooibos tea

8 cups of water, heated until almost boiling

1 tablespoon honey, or to taste

4 tablespoons lemon juice

sparkling water or club soda

ice cubes


1. In a large pitcher, pour hot water over tea bags and stir in the honey. Place the pitcher in the refrigerator and chill overnight.

2. Fill eight pint sized glasses half way with chilled tea and add three ice cubes to each. Add 1/2 tablespoon of lemon juice to each glass, and then pour sparkling water over the top to fill the glass.

3. Alternatively, make one glass as a time. The iced tea will keep in the refrigerator for several days.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. This sounds amazing! I just picked up some mint simple syrup and I think it will be perfect for this! Nothing liked iced tea to cool you off, but adding the lemon and club soda makes me feel fancy while drinking it!😁


    1. Mmm mint simply syrup is a good idea! I’ve been living off of iced tea for the last week…it’s so hot! Enjoy.


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